Python Tuples

1. Define a tuple in Python

  1. A tuple in Python is an ordered, immutable collection of elements: It is a data structure that can hold multiple values of different types. Unlike lists, tuples cannot be modified once created, which means their elements cannot be added, removed, or changed individually.
  2. Tuples are defined by enclosing the elements within parentheses(): The elements are separated by commas. Although not mandatory, it is common practice to include a trailing comma after the last element, even if the tuple contains only one element. This helps to differentiate between tuples and parentheses used for grouping expressions.
  3. Tuples can store elements of different data types: such as integers, floats, strings, booleans, or even other tuples. They provide a way to group related pieces of data together and treat them
  4. One of the key characteristics of tuples is their immutability: Once a tuple is created, its elements cannot be modified. This property ensures the integrity of the data stored in the tuple and provides a level of safety when dealing with shared data or when you want to guarantee that the elements remain unchanged.
  5. Accessibility of a tuple: Tuples can be accessed and manipulated using indexing
  6. Tuples are commonly used for returning multiple values from a function, as they provide a convenient way to package and pass around related pieces of data. They are also used in situations where immutability is desired or when the order of elements needs to be preserved.
  7. Overall, tuples in Python are versatile data structures: that allow for efficient and reliable storage of multiple elements, ensuring their immutability and preserving the order of elements.

Example. Creating a tuple:

2 - Access to the tuple elements

You can access the elements of a tuple by referring to the index number, enclosed in square brackets:

Example. Access the item in position 1:


Once a tuple is created, you can not change its values. The tuples are immutable.

3. Loop through a tuple

You can browse the elements of a tuple by using a for loop.

Example. Browse the elements and print the values:

4. Check if an element exists in a tuple

To determine if a specified item is present in a tuple, you can use the keyword in:

Example. Check if "schoolbag" is present in the tuple:

5. Length of a Python tuple

The length of a tuple is the number of its elements. To determine the length of a tuple in Python, we use the len() method:

Example. number of elements of a tuple:

6. Unable to add or remove an item from a tuple


Once a tuple is created, you can not add it any elements. The tuples are immutable.

Example. Unable to add an Item to a Tuple:

7. Deleting a tuple

The tuples are not editable, so you can not delete items, but you can completely remove the tuple with the del key word:

Example. Delete a tuple completely:

8. Creating a tuple by using the tuple constructor()

Another way to create a tuple is to use the tuple constructor ()


9. Methods associated with a tuple

Python has two built-in methods that you can use on tuples:

  1. count () :  Returns the number of times a specified value appears in a tuple.
  2. index () :  Searches the tuple for a specified value and returns the position of the place where it was found.


Younes Derfoufi

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