Formatting an HTML document

The state of HTML then corresponds to what one could call HTML 1.0. There is, however, no specification bearing this name, in particular because the language was then in full evolution. However, a standardization effort was under way5. As of late 1993, the term HTML + is used to designate the future version of HTML

1 - The main HTML tags for formatting a text

HTML is endowed with many tags to act on the formatting of a text, we will only cite here the most used tags:

The development of HTML as an application of the Generalized Markup Language (SGML) is officially abandoned in favor of XHTML, the application of Extensible Markup Language (XML). However, in 2004, web browser manufacturers10 created the Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG), with the aim in particular of relaunching the development of the HTML format and responding to new needs on a technological basis deemed more easily implementable than that Of the XHTML 2.0 being designed.

<h1>Title 1</h1>
<h2>Title 2</h2>
<h3>Title 3</h3>
<h4>Title 4</h4>
<h5>Title 5</h5>
<h6>Title 6</h6>

It appears to the browser by executing this code:

A valid HTML document is a document that respects the SGML syntax, uses only standardized elements and attributes, and respects the nesting of elements described by the standard.

2 - Practical use of HTML formatting tags


To write the text:  The HTML language  is very easy !

We use the code:

The <b> HTML </b>  language  is <font color="red">very easy</font> !


To write the following text:

The HTML course on this site is very easy!
Did you understand this course?
If you have a question ask in the forum
Good luck !

We use the code:

The <font color ="blue"> HTML </font> course on this site is very easy! <br>
Did you understand <font color="red"> this course </font> ? <br>
If you have a <u> question </u> ask in the <font color="red"> forum <br>
<font color="blue"> Good luck ! </font>

3 - Color codes in HTML

We have seen in the previous paragraphs that colors can be named by their names like red, green, blue ... But the problem that arises is that of the intensity of a color! For example blue, it can be a sky blue, dark blue, navy blue ... it is for this reason that computer scientists decided to use a code ( #RRGGBB)  for each color.

The format of the color control is: "#RRGGBB":
RR: the amount of red contained in the color.
GG: the amount of content in the color.
BB: the amount of blue contained in the color.


The color code : # 000000 corresponds to black (00 of red, 00 of green and 00 of blue).
The color code : #FFFFFF  corresponds to  white color (FF is the maximum possible)

The color code : #FF0000  corresponds to  red color

The hexadecimal numbering sequence is (from min. To max.): 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F.



The background will be black, the text will be white and the links in pink.


Younes Derfoufi

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