Sauvegardez vos drivers à l'aide de driverMax.


Making a backup of your drivers using DriverMax Windows XP - Making a backup of your registry Windows 8 - Make a backup of the registry Rdiff-backup: making effective and incremental backups Device Driver Backup RecoveryFix Device Driver Backup


Il arrive souvent pour des raisons de sécurité, que vous voulez réinstaller votre système Windows et qu'aucun CD de pilotes ne soit disponibles afin que le système puisse reconnaitre votre matériels (GPU intégré ou une carte son), il est parfois  très difficile et fastidieux de trouver les pilotes appropriés.
Le présent tutoriel , vous expliquera comment utiliser DriverMax pour sauvegarder vos pilotes.


Télécharger driverMax


Vous pouvez télécharger la version gratuite de driverMax via  ce lien


Procédure de sauvegarde des drivers


  • Une fois installé , lancez le programme et cliquez sur  le sous menu Export drivers du menu Drivers operations .


What is DriverMax ? DriverMax is a tool that changes the way you update your computer drivers. Remember how hard it was to search by yourself all the drivers you needed? DriverMax changed that. You no longer have to do this by yourself, DriverMax has got you covered. It scans your computer and identifies missing or outdated/faulty drivers, downloads them and installs them for you.


Cliquez ensuite sur le lien : Export drivers, pour obtenir la fenêtre suivante :


driver max pro : Who is it for? Typical computer users Having trouble with you USB stick or maybe your webcam isn't working? Are your speakers causing you problems? These issues are usually caused by malfunctioning drivers (the programs that control the operation of devices). DriverMax can fix these problems for you in just a matter of a few clicks.


Vous obtenez ensuite la fenêtre suivante :


driver max pro : Skilled computer users Did your computer freeze or slow down, or maybe it's crashing frequently? You might want to update or fix your faulty drivers. You won't be surprised to see how much faster your PC will perform with the help of DriverMax. With DriverMax, you are all set in just a few easy steps.


Cochez alors les drivers que vous souhaitez sauvegarder et cliquez ensuite sur Next


driver max pro : It is advised to remove DriverMax from your browser as it might slow down your internet browsing experience and promoted inline advertisement within the search results to make money using affiliate based promoted services. DriverMax may also replace your default homepage and your default search engine.


Sélectionnez ensuite l'endroit où vous souhaitez déposer vos drivers et cliquez sur Next, vous obtenez alors la fenêtre de progression de sauvegarde des drivers suivante :


drivers max pro : Making a backup of your drivers using DriverMax Windows XP - Making a backup of your registry Windows 8 - Make a backup of the registry Rdiff-backup: making effective and incremental backups Device Driver Backup RecoveryFix Device Driver Backup


Les drivers sont maintenant sauvegardés dans fichier au format .zip, vous pouvez ouvrir ce dernier en cliquant sur le bouton Open zip file


driverMax full version crack serial crack keygen DriverMax is a very handy Windows Update utility which makes keeping your system drivers up-to-date an extremely easy task. It handles the following tasks with ease: Downloading driver updates, backing up drivers, detailed reports, checking for changes, hardware information and sharing detail reports of your hardware information with friends. DriverMax can also display a complete report of currently installed drivers.



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